Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hello stranger

Hello again blog, Internet, long lost friend.....I have finally carved out a little time to visit. I have been busy with work, kids, eat, sleep, repeat... but this weekend the kids are visiting their Dad. I decided with my free time I would update on recent happenings out on the farm.

My 5 year old started kindergarten Wednesday. He cried.......I cried (not in front of him, i waited until I was in the parking lot)...then I fidgeted, bit my nails and worried all day that he was feeling abandoned or lost and having some terrible life altering experience that would scar him irrevocably. I finally made it home after the longest day in history and Colin proceeded to tell me excitedly about all the things he did at school, *sigh* of relief as all of my exaggerated fears, and thoughts like: what kind of terrible mother leaves her child crying with strangers are eased....who knew?

I have had several conversations with my mother and both of my Grandmothers related to bodily functions, chicken anatomy and procreation and all that I have to look forward to as I age. (Gracefully I'm sure)

I have been informed several times over the last few months that it is time for me to start dating. My Grandmother has decided what I need is a good southern "Bubba" while the girls at work are trying to set me up with a dentist (poor innocent guy is unaware of their plans)

Lord save me from well meaning family and friends.

Hoping to blog again sometime before my children have children and I can no longer see to type. Oh how I miss the Internet.