Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My bambinos have been away at their Dads house for the past 10 days...I am going through withdrawals.
I think the longest I have gone without seeing my brats is about 3 days, and that felt like an eternity at the time. I find myself missing the pandemonium that a 5 and 2 year old can create between them.

I am missing their quirks and smiles.

And I am wondering what they are seeing, doing, learning...that I am missing. I suppose this is one of the many things about being divorced that I (and the kids) will have to acknowledge and endure . I can not image what I will do if they ever go to stay for a summer.
Well, this is starting to sound a little depressing, but I am going to pick up the kids on Thursday...only one day left, wohoo!

A little something to lighten the mood:

Aye carumba

Totally cute...except for the long line of dribble down my babys chin.
Poor dear has a salivary gland issue.

Oh my.....he was plum worn out!
I know how he feels.

Off to dream land, Where 2 year olds potty train themselves, No one has to rise before 10am, Money grows on trees and calories don't count. Oh yeah, that's where I wanna be.

Monday, December 28, 2009

You know what really bugs me....

Those little stickers they put on apples...sometimes they don't want to come off and I really just wanna eat the apple. I mean does anyone actually look at those? What are they for?

When you've.....gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now....and after you've went you realize that there is not a bit of toilet paper anywhere to be seen.

How someone can not answer the phone when you call, even though you know they are there, they have to be there...you saw there car when you drove by just 3 minutesss a g o.........hehe just kiddinnngg.

Somehow, no matter if you commit to memory where you put something in your purse.....it will be in a different pocket when you go back to find it, if you find it. (or is this just me because I only clean out my purse once every 3.3 years?)

The sound of someone brushing their teeth...it gives me goosebumps, and not the good kind. I have nothing against good oral hygiene, actually I'm all for it....I just prefer not to hear it. *shiver*

When people speak in chat shorthand...."OMG (oh my gosh), LTNS (long time no see), LOL (laughing out loud)...soon we won't even need to actually say words, it will just be one long list of letters. (Don't get me wrong...I think it is great for the Internet, but in real life...I would be totally confused. LOL.)

What bugs you??

I will apologize in advance for this completely random post.

Word of the day: flagitious  [ fluh - jish - uhs ] Shamefully wicked. as persons, actions, or times. Heinous or  flagrant, as a crime.
I picked this word 'cause it sounds kind of gross, use it in a sentence. Ha!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

In case you were wondering....

I am sure that the question foremost on your mind this afternoon is "what did Krista eat over the holiday?" Well I will relieve your curiosity. Since I was alone for the majority of my 6 days off (don't feel to sorry for me, I kinda enjoyed the lack of screaming bleeding children), family had all traveled out of state or were unable to travel here, I felt it important to keep up the tradition of overeating during the holidays even though the yearly feast would not be prepared in my home.

It is a burden but traditions are very important!

So let me just give you a rundown of the goodies I have ingested, inhaled, gobbled, scarfed down and or devoured over the last 6 days:
Chocolate Pie
Peach cobbler (almost an entire pan!)
12 dozen pumpkin cookies (okay, it was more like 2, but it was still a bunch)
1 stuffed crust pizza
2 moon pies
19 canned cokes...ohhh caffeine, how I love thee
Turkey pot pie
1 Bean and cheese burrito
2 hot dogs (with ketchup only, 'cause that's how I like em!)
1 strawberry shortcake roll
1/2 a box of lucky charms
1 turkey and cheese sandwich
1/2 block of cheddar cheese...no crackers...just cheese.......mmmmm
4 buttermilk biscuits
1 cheese burger
3/4 of a bag of M&M's
1 green apple with peanut butter.... cuz peanut butter makes the world go round.
1 chocolate raspberry yogurt
And a paaartriiiidge in a pearrrr treeeee.
Just kidding about the partridge...and the pear tree I guess, I don't think I could eat a tree.

Well. I am glad I got that off my chest......Is it any wonder I feel like an enormous bloated sow!?...ugh, I can hardly move or breath...I will never eat so much again...it's disgusting, immoral, not to mention painful! I am ashamed...and now I must go eat a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich..................because it is low fat and it's important to have a balanced diet.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

You'll shoot your eye out kid...

This is the Christmas gift my father bought for my son:

Yes, he bought my kindergartner a BB gun. Now, my father swears he asked me about this before purchasing the gift....I do not recall this supposed conversation, so when I brought up the need for parental consent the conversation went something like this:
Dad: I asked you and you said yes.
Me: No.....you did not.
Dad: Yes, I did
Me: NO you DID NOT!
(we always handle disagreements in a very adult manner)
Me: I don't think so
Dad: I mentioned it a few months ago and you said sure.
Me:......SURE?! that means yeah right, sure, uh huh...as in he is only 5, maybe when hes older.

Jeez, can't people read between the lines??
Well its done now and Colin loves his gift. I will also say that my Dad is very careful, teaching Colin all the rules and safety related to using a BB gun, and he will not allow him to use it unsupervised.

*Sigh* I just hope this does not lead to any ER visits....and if my father ends up with BB's in his hind end I will try my darndest not to say...I told you soooo.
Love you Dad

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings...and all that stuff

It seems my previous concerns for my hygiene and possible loss of one or more toes to frostbite may have been slightly exaggerated. The total snowfall for my area was...... less than 1 inch. It was a lovely white Christmas that melted away by 3 PM for the most part...Perfect!
Now I spent the day with my Grandmother, making turkey pot pie and chocolate cream pie...I made meringue for the first time in my whole 25 years of life! Thanks for the lesson Grandma! We stayed busy with cooking or chatting and it helped to keep my mind off the fact that this is the first Christmas my monsters have not been with me..*sniff* *sniff*...but I did talk to them on the phone and they seem to be having a good time at their Dads house.
We had our family Christmas on Thanksgiving as that was the Holiday when everyone could get together....here are a few pictures

Opening gifts.
Sorry it is a little blurry...and dark


My brat

Look at that expression! Love this picture.

Little angel.

Hope everyone had a wonderful, merry, chaotic Christmas..full of love, laughs, lots of pie, screaming children, afternoon naps and piles of wrapping paper.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's me again Margaret...

Merry Christmas Eve!
Two posts on consecutive days! That like totally never happens anymore....must be all this free time......that I've filled with educational television, reading Kafka, learning Latin, and exercising at least 6 hours a day......You know, the norm.

Anywho, we are supposed to get some 1-3 inches of snow at some point this evening...I am a little excited, it has been a few years since I have seen real snow.

I may not be quite so enthusiastic if we get the 6 inches my Grandmother is predicting and the electricity goes out...and I have to cook (over an open fire no less!) everything in the freezer before it begins to smell and grow hair.....and I have no water to flush the toilet or bathe... and no heat to keep my toesies warm (toes are very important for balance and I am balancely(not a word?? I don't care) challenged I trip over nothing walking down the hall, I can't imagine the klutz attacks if I lost any toes to frost bite!). I am sure it will be fine, I'll be fine....Just fine...out here....all alone...in the country....with only 2 dogs and a 11 chickens to depend on.
I know, I know...I am an eternal optimist, it's just the way I was born.

Well now that I have recovered from my attack of melodrama...I have those now and then...I have to go bathe, make sure I have enough clean clothing, enough drinking water and find several extra blankets...Just in case.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Long time no blog

Oh my, has it really been that long since I have taken the time to sit at a computer and write about the mundane happenings in my life? 4 months! Well time got away from me, life got away from me. I really have no viable excuse, I was not abducted by aliens who preformed all sorts of terrible tests on me, I have not spent the last 4 months in jail for selling my last born, I have not been so involved in a sordid love affair with the young, gorgeous pool boy that all else has been forgotten ( Although if I had a pool and a young gorgeous pool boy that latter might have been the case!)
Alas what has kept me away is work and children and a lack of an Internet connection at home.

I am currently staying at my mothers house (hence the Internet connection), feeding her dogs and chickens while she is off gallivanting in Oregon with family over the holidays. My brats are at their Dads until new years and I find myself at loose ends. As a mother I am always complaining that I have no free time, I don't have time to think, breath, eat (well, okay I make time to eat obviously, or I would be about 40 lbs lighter) when I have work and kids. I have been off work for 2 days and do not have to return until next Monday, now that I have had 2 full days to eat, sleep, breath and rekindle my love affair with the Internet.......I don't really know what to do.
I should be eating bon bons, watching soap operas, painting my toenails...But I don't really like bon bons or soap operas, maybe there is something wrong with me (well something NEW I mean) I am at a complete loss of what to do with free time...what is this new concept? I suppose I will fill it with productive and healthy stuff to enrich the mind and body like........

Stuffed crust pizza and homemade pumpkin cookies, romance novels, reality TV and internet surfing until my eyeballs cross or my brain melts.
I am all about mental and physical wellness!