Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun on the farm

Over the last few weeks I have talked about moving me and my kids into a rental house on a farm....we have enjoyed it so far.

Its beautiful...and I just like being able to say I live on a farm.

And then there is this totally awesome tree!! I love it...I stare at it daily as I am driving to or from work....I will no doubt one day end up veering off the narrow drive as I stare, but I mean just look at it!

Did I mention there are cows on "our" farm...

and every time Ava sees one she proceeds to repeat cow, cow, cow momma, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow until I say; Yes...Ava..I...see..the...cow!

Last night while I was getting the kids ready for bed we could hear the cows conversing about 20-30 yards from the house...Ava thought it was great. I thought: how nice to hear the country sounds of farm living.

Around 8:30 when I had gotten both my brats into bed, the cows were still making noise...I thought: wow, I have never heard them go for so long.

Around 11 the conversation began to sound more like an argument...maybe the bull had been a little to friendly with another heifer...maybe the female had been swishing her tail at another bull..who knows, but they were getting a little loud.

When 12 rolled around I figured maybe those cows aren't so stupid....maybe they were really out there laughing and carrying on just to get on my some kind of inconsiderate neighbors who had a party and wanted to rub in the fact that they were having a blast and I wasn't invited.

By 1:17, gone were the lovely thoughts about quiet country sounds...all I was thinking was that one day those damn cows would be served for dinner...hopefully on my table..and we would see who was laughing then wouldn't we!!! Hey, it was 1 am and I was tired.....don't judge me!

Finally around 1:30 exhaustion took over and I was able to sleep despite the clamor of my bovine neighbors....I hope they decide to take the party elsewhere tonight, I have work in the morning.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

This is what happens....

when you turn your back to your children even for a moment.

I was washing dishes a few nights ago...the only sound was the low murmur of the cartoon Colin was watching, and that alone should have alerted me to the fact that my 2 year old was up to no good.

She had managed to get into my makeup and decided she needed a little blusher, although I think her skin is a little fare to pull off the black. Seeing her with my mascara across those chubby cheeks made me think.......

My day, not to long from now she will want to wear makeup..........and date boys I don't like simply because I don't like them. Colin will more than likely be looking down at me and will no longer think girls are gross. He will have a drivers license and be asking to borrow the car. They will be fighting over time in the bathroom to prepare for a date instead of the most recent addition to their multitude of toys.

Oh, just thinking about my darling brats becoming unruly teenagers makes me queasy...I mean what does one do with a teenager..I never liked teenagers, not even when I was surely my own offspring will annoy me to distraction. I can already hear the I hate you Mom, You ruined my life, you just don't understand... see the crazy hair styles and rebellious fashion statements...there will be sleepless nights worrying about what they are doing, where they are and who they are with. Are they I going to have to kill them when they get home because of they did something idiotic.? Will I survive this....will they?

There is soo much still to come, but I am going to try to enjoy right now and not dwell on the scares me.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Missing my babies.....

As much as I enjoy my solitude and the lovely quiet when my kids are sleeping or visiting their Grandparents......I am missing them today. They have gone to their Dads house for a few days. I relished my alone time yesterday as it was the first full day my monsters were away and I was off work...but today there have been times I think it is eerily quiet in my house and I am missing the "mommy, mommy, mommy" and background noise of playing children.

So to ease my suffering (okay that may be a little dramatic) I was looking at some pictures I took last week and thought I would share a few....

I love this picture.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ahhh, serenity.......

Nap time.........*sigh* I just love those words.
I look forward to this 2 hour slice of serenity everyday.
Those of you with children, particularly between the ages of 1-6, know what I'm talkin about.
It is the only time of the day between 7 am and 9 pm that there is anything remotely resembling quiet in my my life for that matter.
Now this time can be used for anything......washing dishes, folding clothes, catching up on housework (ha!)
Usually I either sit around munching on Cheetos or chocolate (whichever is available) and watch something absolutely vital on television or read a cheesy romance novel...or, as I am doing today, playing on the Internet.
Don't get me wrong...I love my very active and raucous children, but nap time is as much for mommy's to regain sanity and self-control as it is for kids to recharge their batteries. All in all it makes everyone feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.
I am hoping by the time my children get too old for nap time I will no longer require it to make it through some days....and If I find I do....well they have to do what I say til they are 18 right...and if I want my 14 and 17 year old to nap because I am tired, or upset or just because I say so....then nap they will!!
I do realize that I may be living with delusions about the future, but makes me feel better for today, so leave me with my fantasy please.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I think my 5 year old is possessed.....

Last night I got very little sleep, for several being the storm raging outside and all the strange spooky noises my house produced throughout the night.....the other being my 5 year old.
For some reason around midnight Colin got out of bed and walked out into the hallway.......then just stood there, swaying from side to side, looking around. Having heard him get up I went out into the hall and asked him what was wrong...Did he need to potty? He just continued swaying and looking around. He then turned and walked into the living room. I followed turned him back around and asked again if he needed to which he shook his head yes.
I directed him into the bathroom where he lifted the toilet seat, stared in a stupor for a moment then lowered the toilet seat.....he then repeated this process. At this point I am a lot confused and a little concerned. So I lifted his face and asked if he was awake...again with the head shake. Okay.....I was getting a little aggravated so I firmly told him to go potty or go to bed....Nothing!
Just stood there starting at me.
Colin then tuned and left me standing in the bathroom.....I asked where he was going...."sleep" was his response...well at least I got a word this time...he then walked into the living room. I quickly redirected him to his room telling him his bed was this way.."where"....Yay! another word..progress.
Then he laughed.....not his normal laugh but a weird almost scary he he he kinda laugh...he continued laughing for a few moments after I maneuvered him back into bed...then was once again "asleep".
Now I am more concerned than confused...and a little unsettled. It was probably nothing, but you never know.
Maybe it was some strange 5 year old joke....
Or maybe my house is haunted and he was possessed by some long dead farmers spirit who is upset because my brats have encroached upon his resting place with their loud wails, high pitched screams and constant bickering...and now he is trying to scare us away so that he can once again have peace....oh I feel your pain farmer man.
Or maybe my baby sleep walks...who knows.....all I am certain of at this point is.......................
that laugh was creepy!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

To internet or not to internet...that is the question

Sooo, I must inform you of a recent tragedy in my has been very painful for me over the last week or so to deal with this atrocity.
Are you ready?
I.........have no Internet! *gasp* I know, I is a terrible thing but I am trying to cope.

So right now I am at my parents house using their Internet just to update you on my absolutely thrilling life. If you have been reading my blog, you know I moved last weekend.....out into a pasture..with cows in my backyard....I'm not kidding see...

Anyway...back to my recent plight. So to the reason I have no Internet at home...No one provides DSL or any type of Internet out in the middle of nowhere.....unless you get satellite. My next logical step was to investigate satellite Internet. I was.......horrified, shocked, aghast (I love using words like that) at the price. Set up is a few hundred dollars and then I would have to pay at least 60-70 bucks a month with a 2 year contract. These numbers my not frighten some, but as a one income family this seems outrageous to me. Once I recovered from the heart attack I decided that the Internet would have to wait until I can get a better look at what my monthly bills are going to be like at my new place....then maybe I will be able to afford the freedom to surf the web at my leisure....Until then I must rely on the generosity of my Mommy...thanks mom.

Now that I have purged that annoyance (thank you for listening, I feel better) I am going to finally post a few pics of the views around my new abode.

Ohhhhhh, Ahhhhhhh

Calming yes?
