Sunday, April 26, 2009


I in no way want this to seem like I am ungrateful or tired of my parents (I am very grateful for them and everything they have done for me over the past few months), but....I just found somewhere to rent! I can hardly contain my excitement!

Now I assumed that I would move into town where I work and everything would just move along from there. My parents live about 25 minutes out from my is pretty rural if ya know what I mean. I have nothing against rural...I just automatically thought I would live in town....Wong. The place I have just paid the deposit and first months rent on today is in the middle of a pasture.......behind my landlords house......on a farm.
Yes...on a farm. Like there are cows 20 feet from my front door kinda farm. The land lady was kind enough to inform me ahead of time that I will get manure on my car. Ummm...ok I guess? Now the yard is fenced so I am hoping that I will not open my door and step out into a giant pile of fertilizer anytime soon..or ever...but I will be sure to keep you all updated on how that goes.

I will now be only about 10-15 minutes from work and 10 minutes from Mom and Dad so it works well. The house itself is tiny and old...but I am gonna paint and make it cute. I will take the time to put up some pictures later on. I will say that the view from my kitchen window is.........magnificent! I'll put up a pic of that too....the house is in a valley with mountains at the back *sigh* That alone is worth moving into an old farmhouse.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Turning 2

The 14th was my baby's second birthday...*sniffle*...I can hardly believe it has already been 2 years since I gave birth to her..I mean I remember it like it was yesterday...My epidural didn't work and it hurt like hell!!

She had a hello kitty party...because I like hello kitty and soon she will be old enough to choose what she wants...I am too old to have a theme party for myself *sigh* we lose so many things when we grow up...Nap time being the one I mourn the most.
Anyway....back to my baby. We made cake pops. Have you ever seen or made them? They turned out fabulous...but I am sooo very glad we did a test run a few weeks before her party...

Guess which one was from our first batch...

We did still have a few kittens that didn't quite turn out...we affectionately referred to them as Hello Kitty's mentally challenged cousins....

They tasted just as good though! We do not discriminate in my house!

I also made a cake..which I think turned out pretty good...seeing as I am in no way a culinary mastermind...or even an above average cook...I have no illusions about my lack of expertise in this area (but I do like to blame it on the fact I don't have much time to hone my talent)

All in all I think she enjoyed her party.....

I am already brainstorming for next year...hmmm... I am sure she will love what ever I choose...I can make her think she does anyway, if only for 1 more year...because I have learned from my first born that once they turn 3 they pretty much know everything...and think they should get exactly what they want...I just can't wait! (can you hear the sarcasm?) Is it sad that I am living vicariously through my 2 year old daughter??............I didn't think so.

*No animals were harmed in the making/planning of this party/blog...thank you


Sunday, April 12, 2009

She's A Maniac

She's A Maniac, Maniac on the Floor.

And She's Dancing Like She Never Danced Before.

This is what happens when my sister Casey comes to visit,

Every mommy should have a sister occupy her children, wear them out, and give her time to regain her minuscule grasp on sanity.

Then when they get a little too rowdy...she can calm them by telling them are trees or a blade of grass in the wind...

Then there is the aftermath

Thank you God for Sisters


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day of pampering...continued

Well I finally went back for my massage this Friday.....I know I must be crazy right?? But I made it out alive. Now before I go into the massage itself I would like to discuss my fear......of undressing and remaining naked (even if covered by a sheet) in front of someone I don't know. Having children, breast feeding, years in an unhappy marriage (gained weight) and filing for divorce (gained more weight) have left my body a little.......depressed (I apologize to any males who happen upon my blog...very sorry), but I think even if I had a perfect body this would still freak me out. Is it just me??
The massage lady was very friendly, trying to put me at ease as I was a massage virgin. She explained how she would work and the order of areas she would massage. At one point she stated that the abdomen was an optional area....Ummmm..NO! She said she didn't have it done herself because she had kids and stretch marks and she was self conscious....I have to say she was like 5'4 and 110 lbs (not saying she cant be self conscious) but I wanted to say..Thanks hun, but I don't really think you can relate. But being the peaceable soul I am, I just politely declined having my tummy rubbed.
The MT stepped out so I could undress and get comfortable..yeah right. I undressed as quickly as I could, ripping clothes off and throwing them into a pile on the bench, my eyes locked on the door the entire time. I jumped onto the table and quickly covered with the sheet...I'm sure I set some kind of record.

I was so nervous about the sheet slipping or sliding and some random part of my body popping into view that it took me awhile to relax and enjoy the massage. I started on my back and she was working her way from head to she lifted my arms to massage I suddenly thought......Did all the running about getting undressed and freaking out about being nude make me all sweaty and gross?? God I hope not....I would be sooo embarrassed. I prayed through out the whole first half of the massage that she wouldn't accidentally pull the sheet to far over, that I wasn't sweating a river and that my feet didn't smell. Once we got to the point were I could lay on my tummy I was finally able to relax and enjoy.

Despite the horror of my last visit to the salon *shudder* and my fear of flashing the poor woman I think it was worth braving....and maybe I will be able to go long as I keep seeing the same lady...I may be comfortable enough in a few or 20 eons to enjoy the whole experience.