Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun on the farm

Over the last few weeks I have talked about moving me and my kids into a rental house on a farm....we have enjoyed it so far.

Its beautiful...and I just like being able to say I live on a farm.

And then there is this totally awesome tree!! I love it...I stare at it daily as I am driving to or from work....I will no doubt one day end up veering off the narrow drive as I stare, but I mean just look at it!

Did I mention there are cows on "our" farm...

and every time Ava sees one she proceeds to repeat cow, cow, cow momma, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow until I say; Yes...Ava..I...see..the...cow!

Last night while I was getting the kids ready for bed we could hear the cows conversing about 20-30 yards from the house...Ava thought it was great. I thought: how nice to hear the country sounds of farm living.

Around 8:30 when I had gotten both my brats into bed, the cows were still making noise...I thought: wow, I have never heard them go for so long.

Around 11 the conversation began to sound more like an argument...maybe the bull had been a little to friendly with another heifer...maybe the female had been swishing her tail at another bull..who knows, but they were getting a little loud.

When 12 rolled around I figured maybe those cows aren't so stupid....maybe they were really out there laughing and carrying on just to get on my some kind of inconsiderate neighbors who had a party and wanted to rub in the fact that they were having a blast and I wasn't invited.

By 1:17, gone were the lovely thoughts about quiet country sounds...all I was thinking was that one day those damn cows would be served for dinner...hopefully on my table..and we would see who was laughing then wouldn't we!!! Hey, it was 1 am and I was tired.....don't judge me!

Finally around 1:30 exhaustion took over and I was able to sleep despite the clamor of my bovine neighbors....I hope they decide to take the party elsewhere tonight, I have work in the morning.


1 comment:

  1. I remember this from living at Mama and Daddy's. One of the pastures was right by my bedroom window and whenever they would move cows there, they would go nuts for a night or two. I guess, they are just disoriented being in a new place at night?
