Thursday, May 28, 2009

This is what happens....

when you turn your back to your children even for a moment.

I was washing dishes a few nights ago...the only sound was the low murmur of the cartoon Colin was watching, and that alone should have alerted me to the fact that my 2 year old was up to no good.

She had managed to get into my makeup and decided she needed a little blusher, although I think her skin is a little fare to pull off the black. Seeing her with my mascara across those chubby cheeks made me think.......

My day, not to long from now she will want to wear makeup..........and date boys I don't like simply because I don't like them. Colin will more than likely be looking down at me and will no longer think girls are gross. He will have a drivers license and be asking to borrow the car. They will be fighting over time in the bathroom to prepare for a date instead of the most recent addition to their multitude of toys.

Oh, just thinking about my darling brats becoming unruly teenagers makes me queasy...I mean what does one do with a teenager..I never liked teenagers, not even when I was surely my own offspring will annoy me to distraction. I can already hear the I hate you Mom, You ruined my life, you just don't understand... see the crazy hair styles and rebellious fashion statements...there will be sleepless nights worrying about what they are doing, where they are and who they are with. Are they I going to have to kill them when they get home because of they did something idiotic.? Will I survive this....will they?

There is soo much still to come, but I am going to try to enjoy right now and not dwell on the scares me.


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