Thursday, May 14, 2009

I think my 5 year old is possessed.....

Last night I got very little sleep, for several being the storm raging outside and all the strange spooky noises my house produced throughout the night.....the other being my 5 year old.
For some reason around midnight Colin got out of bed and walked out into the hallway.......then just stood there, swaying from side to side, looking around. Having heard him get up I went out into the hall and asked him what was wrong...Did he need to potty? He just continued swaying and looking around. He then turned and walked into the living room. I followed turned him back around and asked again if he needed to which he shook his head yes.
I directed him into the bathroom where he lifted the toilet seat, stared in a stupor for a moment then lowered the toilet seat.....he then repeated this process. At this point I am a lot confused and a little concerned. So I lifted his face and asked if he was awake...again with the head shake. Okay.....I was getting a little aggravated so I firmly told him to go potty or go to bed....Nothing!
Just stood there starting at me.
Colin then tuned and left me standing in the bathroom.....I asked where he was going...."sleep" was his response...well at least I got a word this time...he then walked into the living room. I quickly redirected him to his room telling him his bed was this way.."where"....Yay! another word..progress.
Then he laughed.....not his normal laugh but a weird almost scary he he he kinda laugh...he continued laughing for a few moments after I maneuvered him back into bed...then was once again "asleep".
Now I am more concerned than confused...and a little unsettled. It was probably nothing, but you never know.
Maybe it was some strange 5 year old joke....
Or maybe my house is haunted and he was possessed by some long dead farmers spirit who is upset because my brats have encroached upon his resting place with their loud wails, high pitched screams and constant bickering...and now he is trying to scare us away so that he can once again have peace....oh I feel your pain farmer man.
Or maybe my baby sleep walks...who knows.....all I am certain of at this point is.......................
that laugh was creepy!!

1 comment:

  1. It's hereditary! Uncle Kevin used to sleepwalk. He tried to pee in a fish tank once! You dad and uncle alan were sleepwalkers, too! So I doubt it is the farmers spirit...but I could be wrong...

