Saturday, January 23, 2010

Parenting is hard....

Well, I have not done any major cooking this week as of yet, but I plan to try a corn casserole out either tonight or tomorrow..I'll let you know how that goes. In the meantime let me just tell you about what has been happening with my 5 year old brat.
He is getting in trouble at school, for talking, playing rough and fighting. I am at a loss as to what to do here. Each day the teacher sends home a folder with a smiley face or a sad face to let the parent know how the child's day went. If you have a sad face there will also be a short note explaining (i.e. "talking during class") Now I will say that Colin is the talkingest (I know that's not really a word, but I like it) kid you will ever meet, he even talks in his sleep sometimes. Normally Colin will get 1 sad face a week, occasionally he will get 2, sometimes he has none....this week...4.... that's right four sad faces!!!! He was sent to ISS (in school suspension) during recess on Thursday for talking and not lining up as he was instructed. I do understand that if he is fighting or hurting other children, is being corrected several times or is disrespectful that sad faces and ISS are an appropriate discipline. But, it seems that mostly he is talking, or just not listening well and never does the explanation state that he had to be corrected multiple times. The sad faces seem a little excessive to me for kindergarten. I am unsure of how to proceed at this point, I will say that Colin did finally get a happy face on Friday and did not have to return to ISS for an entire day as I feared he would. So, I am stuck trying to decide if this was just a bad week, if he is still adjusting to all these changes in his life this past year, if he is a bad egg (kidding.....mostly), or if my parenting is just lacking. I have decided to wait and see if next week is a repeat of this last (and if so I can not be held responsible for my reaction, it could get ugly). This is a time when I wish I had a partner to lean on for support and advice. Ugh, parenting is hard!

On a high note, I have lost 10 lbs as of last Thursday! Yay! I have decreased portion sizes and started exercising, but have decided I am not going to deprive myself of foods I enjoy because I will be setting my self up for failure: Eventually I will give in and eat the foods I massive portions...and then I will regret it, feel terrible and the cycle will begin again. Whew..that is way to stressful.

A photo to bring a smile to your face.

Please continue to pray for my shrinking waistline and my sanity if my 5 year old continues to misbehave.
God Bless,


  1. Not being a parent, I don't have any advice really, but just wanted to let you know that I was absolutely horrid in kindergarten. Didn't finish my work or didn't do it according to directions to the point that I almost FLUNKED kindergarten. I think I was mostly just bored and couldn't be buggered to care, especially since I disliked my teacher. Oh and I also got a spanking for "talking on the carpet" even though I explained that wasn't technically talking but listening and there wasn't a rule against LISTENING on the carpet.

    Went on to 1st grade and made straight A's and ended up being in Gifted and Talented in 2nd.

    And I turned out fine...mostly. ;)

  2. Thanks for the comment, I think he was just having a bad as the weeks since have been MUCH better, *sigh* He is a good egg, I am sure he will turn out fine too...mostly :P
