Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's me again Margaret...

Merry Christmas Eve!
Two posts on consecutive days! That like totally never happens anymore....must be all this free time......that I've filled with educational television, reading Kafka, learning Latin, and exercising at least 6 hours a day......You know, the norm.

Anywho, we are supposed to get some 1-3 inches of snow at some point this evening...I am a little excited, it has been a few years since I have seen real snow.

I may not be quite so enthusiastic if we get the 6 inches my Grandmother is predicting and the electricity goes out...and I have to cook (over an open fire no less!) everything in the freezer before it begins to smell and grow hair.....and I have no water to flush the toilet or bathe... and no heat to keep my toesies warm (toes are very important for balance and I am balancely(not a word?? I don't care) challenged I trip over nothing walking down the hall, I can't imagine the klutz attacks if I lost any toes to frost bite!). I am sure it will be fine, I'll be fine....Just fine...out here....all the country....with only 2 dogs and a 11 chickens to depend on.
I know, I know...I am an eternal optimist, it's just the way I was born.

Well now that I have recovered from my attack of melodrama...I have those now and then...I have to go bathe, make sure I have enough clean clothing, enough drinking water and find several extra blankets...Just in case.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! Wish you were here. Hope you enjoy the snow! Love you, mom
