Monday, December 28, 2009

You know what really bugs me....

Those little stickers they put on apples...sometimes they don't want to come off and I really just wanna eat the apple. I mean does anyone actually look at those? What are they for?

When you've.....gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now....and after you've went you realize that there is not a bit of toilet paper anywhere to be seen.

How someone can not answer the phone when you call, even though you know they are there, they have to be saw there car when you drove by just 3 minutesss a g o.........hehe just kiddinnngg.

Somehow, no matter if you commit to memory where you put something in your will be in a different pocket when you go back to find it, if you find it. (or is this just me because I only clean out my purse once every 3.3 years?)

The sound of someone brushing their gives me goosebumps, and not the good kind. I have nothing against good oral hygiene, actually I'm all for it....I just prefer not to hear it. *shiver*

When people speak in chat shorthand...."OMG (oh my gosh), LTNS (long time no see), LOL (laughing out loud)...soon we won't even need to actually say words, it will just be one long list of letters. (Don't get me wrong...I think it is great for the Internet, but in real life...I would be totally confused. LOL.)

What bugs you??

I will apologize in advance for this completely random post.

Word of the day: flagitious  [ fluh - jish - uhs ] Shamefully wicked. as persons, actions, or times. Heinous or  flagrant, as a crime.
I picked this word 'cause it sounds kind of gross, use it in a sentence. Ha!

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