Friday, March 6, 2009

Thoughts on Child Trafficking

Hello everyone, This is my first attempt at blogging so if it sucks....I'm okay with that.
Note: My typing sucks, no...not my spelling but my typing and i give you fair warning that i am often to lazy to go back and find or attempt to fix my mistakes. I apologize in advance if my atrocious typing skills render any inappropriate words. all i can say is oops.

I have spent the last few days reading other bloggers archives and feel left out of this circle, i was never cool in school and I have a complex okay! Now I must inform you that my life is in no way very exciting or animated but i was inspired by others to write about my random absurd thoughts without care for what some may think. I am loath to admit that my computer knowledge is about zilch so i have had no blog or website as i am completely computer illiterate and will only serve to annoy myself while showcasing my shortcomings in this area as I attempt this for the first time. (whew that was some sentence huh? Did it even make sense? oh well)
The following is an exapmle of what may run through my mind at any given moment. Prepare yourself, it may frighten you.

I love my kids, really i do but today they drove me to lunacy! In my psychotic state this thought popped uninvited into my mind......ya know.. I think I could get a pretty penny for the small one..she is cute with bright blue eyes and has yet to pick up most of my disturbing habits and my sarcastic and sometimes annoying sense of humor that the oldest has. No one would pay for my 5 year old, he is a champion brat...he talks back, gets angry and yells at the tv, proudly announces to all within ear shot when he has farted (that he did not get from me! I have never passed gas in my life!) and is currently addicted to Wii, *sigh* I am so proud. My second child though is only 2 and there is enough time left to salvage her for a normal family know, the ones that make sure their children eat more than cereal, pop tarts and corn dogs, who insure their clothes match and hair is brushed at least once weekly. (i know my mother wonders...where did i go wrong?) While talking to a friend today I mentioned my newest aspiration: after a short pause her response was " ummm....I think the price for that would be jail time"
Damn, way to burst my bubble Ginny!!
It may not be so terrible, I wouldn't have to pay rent and could obtain higher education for free.....but once I recover from my child induced delirium I may regret selling my second born.

Upon further contemplation I have decided that the brats are sometimes a little okay to have around, and I love them some, I should probably keep them both. Besides I don't relish the thought of me in a cell with a bunch of wackos...I mean I am totally normal....I sooo wouldn't fit in!

Readers, please do not send "The People" to my house to check my kids for malnutrition and psychological damage. I was just joking...........mostly


  1. I just wanted to tell you this is freakin hilarious!!!! I read these and laughed until I had tears coming out, i didnt realize you were this funny and could write like this!!! Love your blogs and you. Give my neice and nephew lots of lovin from their Aunt Alana!! xoxo

  2. This blog was so funny. It completly made my day. Sorry to have bursted your bubble (If bursted is even a word) but i really do not want to have to visit you in jail..sorry for the dissapointment. Your blog was great. I loved it.
