Monday, March 30, 2009

Bad Mommy

I was e-mailing with my sister yesterday and she mentioned feeling a little inadequate as a mommy because she needed some help with her 1 year old twins while they were sick (she, of course, is a wonderful mother) I think all moms probably feel inadequate at they let things happen or let their kids get away with something they shouldn't..if they need a little help when things get rough...they can't be Supermom. I know I have my shortcomings, in all areas. But my brats are fed, clothed, happy and loved...that makes it a little easier to accept the fact that I am not Supermom. Besides I think that some of the....adventures and situations my kids get into, when I am too tired or distracted to be Supermom, build character and curiosity..teach them lessons
Like right after I gave birth to Ava, Colin was 3 and mischievous. He liked to try to get outside and play without asking mommy, I was feeding Ava in the other room while he was supposed to be watching tv, suddenly it was very very quiet...that is never a good sign.. so I went on the hunt for my munchkin. I couldn't find him...I became frantic...ran outside yelling his name only to realize he had managed to lock himself in the back seat of my car (don't worry he was only there a few minutes). Not one of my shining moments..but he never attempted to go outside and play by himself again...Lesson Learned.

others are just funny, embarrassing or....disgusting...

I made spaghetti for dinner last night, it was a hit. While I was cooking I looked over to see Colin sticking an uncooked noodle up his nose. He found this hilarious, I think it was disgusting. Now I should probably do something to hinder this behavior as it will no doubt lead to an ER visit in the future..but I couldn't help but laugh with him...and I can't reprimand him while I'm giggling. If I was Supermom I may miss out on some of these moments...and I wouldn't give them up for anything.......not perfectly behaved children, no messes, no crying, no throwing of food or spilling of pushing and fighting over laughing at crazy things my 5 year old repeats or faces my 2 year old boring!!

Nobody is perfect...and I know I can't pull off Supermom....but I love and laugh with my kids, so I'll take my life over perfection any day.

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